It wasn't hard the first night, turning off the TV. The whole day was good but I was tempted to watch Netflix all night. I had football practice that day and didn't get home until 7:30. After I had finished all my homework from my classes, I was going too catch one of my favorite shows but it was too late. So after that I decided to catch up on Friday Night Lights. I'm on season 2, episode 15. I got caught up in the show. Before i knew it, i was up in the bed under the covers and almost asleep. I completely forgot about the whole 30-day challenge on the first day..It was such a drag to have to get out the bed and turn off the TV before I went to bed. It won't be that hard tonight though. I figured out different ways to get the TV off before I go to bed. I can set the sleep timer before I fall asleep, I can put the remote next to me so its there when I'm ready, and i can do other thing like text and talk to my firends before I fall asleep. That way, the TV will already be off. The next 29 days and nights i am looking forward to finding out how I adjust to the way I will be sleeping at night. A lot of my favorite shows come on at night, Johnny Bravo, American Dad, Family Guy, and other old reruns of good shows that I used to watch when i was younger or that i dont have time to watch during the day I watch when I'm laying down at night. I bet by day 17 I'll cave. I don't think i'll be able to do it but that doesn't mean that i won't try and that I will quit. I hope that what i have decided to do for the 30 day challenge will help save energy and conserve it for future generations. To me, i'm giving up a lot. But i know that the family in the documentary we watched in class gave up so much more. I know for a fact i would have a hard time doing that, especially for that long of a time period. I think they did it for a year. I'd probably cave within 5 weeks. I also feel like i missed out on so much by not watching TV all night. But then again, most of them are old reruns and i did get a better sleep last last night